Our Process
Test facilities include stirred autoclaves ranging in size from 300 mL to 10 gallons, a variety of fixed bed tubular reactors, and a collection of Berty reactors. Some of these units are connected to a process control system for automated control and data collection.
In addition, reaction engineering expertise is available within AVN to assist in specifying the appropriate reaction parameters.
Project Examples:
- Construction of catalyst test facility for quick performance validation of heterogeneous catalysts before introduction into commercial operation.
- Design, construction, and operation of an automated catalyst test unit to examine the effects of reaction conditions on a partial oxidation process.
- Construction and operation of a continuous catalyst test unit with catalyst recycle to evaluate catalyst performance and life.
- Preparation of novel heterogeneous catalysts for an oxidation process.
- Testing novel homogeneous catalysts for an alkoxylation process.
- Evaluation of heterogeneous hydrogenation catalysts in slurry and fixed-bed operation.
- Development and operation of a catalytic process using a series of continuous stirred-tank reactors.