
MassEvac v2.0 is a browser based technology enabling emergency planners to design and run dynamic, time aware, “what-if” gaming simulations depicting the impacts upon critical infrastructure and resource consumption during a large-scale mass evacuation such as from a fire, flood, or terrorist event. Users can set over 30 subject matter expert approved parameters, define their specific geographic areas of interest, utilize their data sources, and compare results to test and revise response plans for an unlimited number of user defined scenarios.

MassEvac v2.0 was developed to assist with attack and disaster preparation, recovery and response planning for a mass evacuation event.

  • Customize simulation extents for your specific purpose. Users specify the geographic extents and the resource data sets they want to use for the simulation.
  • Choose your evacuation routes. Specify ingress and egress speed limits to generate routes used by the simulation.
  • Specify where “home” is. Not all evacuees are seeking a shelter; some are simply trying to get home. Population centers serve as destinations for evacuees migrating from an impacted region to where “friends or family” are located, e.g. “home”.
  • Simulate using your data. Users can easily upload resource data (fuel, shelter, first aid, hospital) into the MassEvac v2.0 system from their own databases or outside online sources.
  • Full control over who you share your data with. A robust role based authentication system allows users to have their own unique accounts and belong to multiple groups. Each groups’ data is private and is only accessible by members of that group.
  • Support for complex road networks. MassEvac v2.0 features re-designed algorithms that support complex road features such as cloverleafs, stacked highways, and roundabouts and calculate fine detail heatmaps that are based on every road intersection.
  • MassEvac v2.0 supports polygon based barriers that represent any type of “No Go” area such as a flood, fire, quarantine zone, plume, or any other potential hazard that would prevent traffic flow into the defined polygon region.
  • Superior performance and broadest device support. HTML 5 provides much improved rendering and runtime performance over Adobe Flash for massive scale GIS mapping applications.

Combine computing resources to solve complex problems in less time. MassEvac v2.0 has been re-designed to take full advantage of high performance computing and parallel processing made available by distributing the workload through load balancing of multiple ESRI ArcGIS servers.