Press Release

AVN Brooke Albin Authors Chapter 1: Crystallization 


AVN Manager of Laboratories Brooke Albin authored “Chapter 1: Crystallization” in the recently published Integration and Optimization of Unit Operations: Review of Unit Operations from R&D to Production: Impacts of Upstream and Downstream Process Decisions. This book, edited by Barry A. Perlmutter of Perlmutter & Idea Development LLC, offers an integrated and holistic approach to the chemical process industries. Brooke is part of a group of global industry experts who have contributed to this book, discussing complex processes with different unit operations, including solids processing and recycle flows, and the importance of integrated process validation. 

Brooke’s expertise in crystallization, solids handling and pilot plant creation and operation is articulated in this chapter that focuses on fundamentals of crystallization, laboratory scale process development, pilot scale crystallization studies and commercialization of crystallization processes to provide an overview of the considerations in this area of process development. In this chapter, Brooke breaks down the many factors that crystallizer process design requires. She begins with fundamentals and laboratory scale process development, in which she breaks down crystallizer design basics and tradeoffs as well as how upstream variables affect crystallization and the impact those factors have on downstream operations. She moves on to discuss pilot scale crystallization studies, including objectives for a pilot plant and scale-up criteria. Finally, she concludes with thoughts on the commercialization of crystallization processes and various challenges that might be encountered. 

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