It’s National Engineers Week! Every year, various organizations and societies across the country take time to celebrate the amazing work engineers, technicians and technologists do each day. We sat down with AVN Corp.’s research engineer, Taylor Crammer to learn more about her background and why she is proud to be an engineer. Read her full interview below.
- What made you want to become an engineer?
I am not sure anything “made” me want to be an engineer per se but, I was always a precocious child and my love for science and math started at a very early age. I think something about the logic of it all and the definitively correct or incorrect answers drew me to the field. I loved participating in elementary school science fairs and still have photos of me in lab coats in front of my posters about the “Science of Scent” and “Color-Changing Carnations.” I would attend the different science days held at the local library and eventually my mother started putting me into week-long science and engineering camps during the summers. When it came time to choose a major for college, I knew that I wanted it to be in science but also knew that I wanted to have good career prospects so chemical engineering was the logical choice.
- This year’s National Engineering Week theme is ‘Creating the Future.’ By working together to develop new technologies, products and opportunities, engineers create new possibilities that make the world a better place. What does this mean to you?
Having an idea is easy but making it work is not always as straight forward and requires engineers and scientists to bring them to fruition. Being part of the team of people that gets to push the boundaries of what is possible and solve complex problems that Industry and the world are facing allows us to create a better future for everyone.
- What makes the type of projects AVN Corp.’s team of engineers works on different from other companies?
AVN Corporation works on a myriad of different projects in a wide variety of technologies from those just emerging in the market to those that have been in industry for a while but are looking to improve. Working on such a multitude of different projects and being around wildly intelligent people keeps you on your toes and your job from getting stale.
- What is one of the most memorable projects you’ve worked on during your career?
Any of the opportunities where I have been able to travel to customer locations to implement the changes that I have worked on in house have been extremely rewarding. I love being able to meet new people, learn about their process and help them solve issues.
- What advice would you give to someone who aspires to work in the field of engineering?
Lean into your desire to figure out how things work; take things apart, put them back together, look up the answers to your questions and always keep learning.
- Share one thing about yourself that we otherwise wouldn’t know or suspect.
I’m an engineer but also a gym rat; my current deadlift record is 325 lbs.
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